
Showing posts from May, 2018

Basic Insights On Identifying Critical Details Of New Zealand Whey Isolate

  Professor David Cameron-Smith of Auckland University says Fonterra has managed to create tasty milk protein that could be used in a number of products. Fonterra was both providing the protein in powder form but was also trialling it with combinations of Anchor product. It was important that there was scientific backing to support claims made for the products, which is where researchers from Auckland University's Liggins Institute have come in. Led by Professor David Cameron-Smith, over the last five years the researchers have helped develop the fast-acting milk protein. "The scientific evidence is clearly accumulating, we now have huge evidence diet is very important, and there is significant value in supplemental dairy protein to provide an anabolic boost." Cameron-Smith said the "slippery slide" for people began about the age of 50. "Up to the point of the research with Fonterra, everyone had focused on the aged, but by then multiple things have star...